
1Peter 2:1-12
Key Verse 2:9
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."
Each one of us has an identity in the world. Someone has an identity as a public officer, someone has an identity as a business man, and someone has an identity as a student. But through today's message, we should learn what our spiritual identity is. I pray that we may newly accept our spiritual identity as royal priests and take up the cross of prayer as high priests for the campus souls of this generation.
Verses 1-3 are the concluding part about the lifestyle of Christians. Firstly, in a passive aspect, what are the things that we should get rid of? Look at verse 1. 'Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.' This verse tells us that those born again as children of God should throw away anything that is inappropriate to them.
And then, what should the newborn children of God actively strive for? Look at verse 2. 'Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation,'
All a newborn baby does is craving for milk. Likewise newborn believers should crave for the milk of God's word. Newborn babies are breast-fed and start to grow. They start to roll over, sit down, crawl, and walk. But if a baby only takes milk and only rolls over and over again without further growth for 5 or10 years, the parents will think their baby is seriously ill and will take him to a pediatrician. The doctor will declare the baby as handicapped. It is the same with our spiritual growth. At one point we were born again, yet we must continue to grow throughout our life.
In order to grow normally, we must sincerely crave for God's word like a newborn baby craves for milk. In most cases, a person grows for the first five or seven years after he becomes a believer. Then he thinks that he is mature enough and stops struggling to grow and as a result he stops growing. We can imagine as a five year old spiritual baby who thinks and behaves as if he is an adult. When a man grows, it proves that he is living and his faith can become in order. Like a newborn baby craves for milk once tasting it, those who tasted the Word of God must continue to crave for it
What was the situation of the believers, who are the recipients of this letter? 1Peter 1:1 tells us that Apostle Peter is sending the letter to God's elect, strangers in the world, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia'" In those days, all the Christians left their beloved hometown and scattered around Asia Minor and lived in caves deep forests in order to survive from the persecution of the Roman Emperor. They were going through unbearable trials of faith and persecution (1:6,7). They must have suffered enormously due to poverty, hunger, and fear of death. But in order to keep their faith, they left their homes and relatives, and lived as scattered strangers. When they had to leave, they left only by faith. Yet, how would they have felt when they actually became strangers in the foreign land? Tears continued following from their eyes, and they kept sighing. What they desperately needed seemed to be human comfort, food for survival, perhaps a box of Ramyun.
But what does Apostle Peter say to them? Look at verse 4a. 'As you come to him, the living Stone.' He urges them to come to Jesus. Then who is Jesus, whom we should come to? Look at verse 4. "As you come to him, the living Stone--rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him." Jesus was rejected by many men. From his birth he was rejected by men and had to be born in a stable. He was rejected and humiliated by the Jews and the religious leaders. He was even forsaken by his own beloved disciples. Finally, he was nailed on the cross like a criminal and thrown out of the city gates.
When we follow Jesus absolutely, we will also be rejected from this world. Missionaries and shepherds who preach the word of God are rejected and persecuted directly or indirectly. In America, missionaries who invite students to Bible study in private universities were arrested and handcuffed by police and had to stand before judge. In America, when we obey Jesus' command to make disciples we are often sued as lawbreakers. In Korea, the shepherdesses who teach the Bible on campus are often misunderstood as strange women and are rejected. In such circumstances, when we are rejected and go through hardships, we must come to Jesus. When we are distressed, because we are rejected and persecuted by preaching the gospel in the frontline of mission field, we must also come to Jesus. Whenever we come to Jesus, he comforts us, gives us conviction of victory, and a new strength. Peter who had received the name "Rock" from Jesus, describes Jesus with all kinds of stones - 'the chosen Stone, the precious living Stone, the cornerstone, and the stumbling Stone.' He gathered all the stones from the scripture. Why did Peter like stones so much? Was it because he was a stone collector? No. It was because Jesus gives life to those who believe. Through His death on the cross and resurrected by the power of God from the dead, Jesus became the living Stone. He gives eternal life to those who believe in him.
What spiritual blessing is given those who come to Jesus? Look at verse 5. "'you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. If we come to Jesus we also become living stones like him. We were dead stones separated from God because of our sins. Some people were like sharp stones and wounded others. Some were like granite stones, stubborn and full of greed. Some were like abandoned stones and suffered from fatalism and inferiority complex. A piece of iron becomes magnetic, when it is stuck to a stronger magnet. Likewise, if we come to Jesus and stick onto him, our sinful nature disappears and we become small living stones in the image of Jesus. In this way, God uses us as spiritual bricks to build God's universal church preciously. Additionally, what is the mission of believers? Look at verse 5b. "to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." It is to be a holy priesthood. The idea that "Every Believer is a Priest" came from this verse. This means that not only the pastors and priests, but even ordinary believers can be priests.
Verses 6-8 teach us about the blessing and warning for those who believe in Jesus and for those who do not. "See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame." To those who believe, the stone is precious, but to those who do not believe, the stone is the capstone even though it was rejected by the builders, and is the stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall. The reason why they stumble is because they disobey the Word--which is also what they were destined for. This verse is actually a quote from Isaiah 28:16. This verse compares Jesus to a cornerstone and shows us double sided aspect of Christ. To those who believe he is precious, but to those who do not believe, he is a persecuted, rejected stone and a stone that causes them to stumble, which will eventually judge them (Dan 2:34).
What then does Peter say about the spiritual identity of the scattered believers? Look at verse 9a. "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God" Apostle Peter tells us the spiritual identity and privilege of the humble looking believers in a multi-dimensional way. Even though they were scattered, despised, and lowly strangers living in the bottom of the society in foreign countries, they were a royal priesthood to God, and a chosen people, a holy nation, and a people belonging to God in the world.
What are the four kinds of identity that Peter mentioned in a multi-dimensional way?
First, a chosen people
This was quoted from Isaiah 43:20. In the times of Apostle Peter, it was very difficult for the people of colonies to acquire Roman citizenship. Unless they paid a large amount of money or contributed a great deal for the empire, becoming a Roman citizen was almost impossible (Acts 22:28). Furthermore, it was not easy for the Gentiles to convert to Jews. Only through strict rules and procedures could they be recognized as Jews. But we do not need to pay a lot of money, give great contributions, and go through rigorous procedures in order to become God's people. It was solely done by the redemption of Jesus' death on the cross and by God's graceful choice. The believers were chosen by God, who is far greater than the Roman emperor, and became the citizens in the kingdom of God, which is far more glorious than the Roman Empire. Today, those who escaped from North Korea consider becoming an American citizen as the greatest hope for their life. How much greater and glorious it is to become citizens of the kingdom of God!
Second, a holy nation (9c, Ex 19:6b)
Look at verse 9c. 'a holy nation.' In any country of the world, each one of them has its ethnic character and national idea. The people of God's kingdom also have its unique nature and character. They are holiness and purity. God's people are cleansed from their sins by the blood of Christ. They live holy and pure, differentiated from the people of the world. Even though, the believers are scattered around the world, the reason why they demonstrate the same image, transcending time and space, is because of the character of the kingdom of God. There are some believers who are not entirely free from their sense of guilt because they have not overcome the temptation of sin. This is because they do not live up to the privilege as the people of God. Believers should overcome sense of guilt, the temptation of sin, and live as holy people in the kingdom of God.
Third, a people belonging to God (9d)
Look at verse 9d. 'a people belonging to God.' This is a quote from Exodus 19:5b. The people of God were purchased by the blood of Jesus and became God's possession (1:18,19). It is like a merchant who sold all his possession to buy the pearl of a great value (Mt 13:45,16). Therefore, each of one of us is precious to God. No merchant will just neglect the pearl that he had purchased in exchange of all his possession. Likewise God is never indifferent to any of the believers. He even cares for and looks after a young and lowly sheep with his great love. He even counts the number of our hair and cares for us as the apple in His eye.
Fourth, a royal priesthood (9b)
Look at verse 9a. 'But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood.' This tells us that our identity is a royal priest like Melchizedek who was the king of Salem (Gen 14:18). Jesus Christ is the King of kings and the highest priest. A high priest enters the temple, offers sacrifices, and prays to God for the sin of the people. Likewise, the identity of a believer is a high priest. He has to come to God every day and pray to God for the forgiveness of his own sin and for the sin of the intellectuals of this generation. Apostle Peter said that being a royal priesthood is the spiritual identity of the rejected and scattered believers. Look at verse 9a again. 'But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood' At first, I accepted this Word with my own head. And I was very happy. But I had to repent sincerely realizing that I did not live as a royal priest in my daily life. 'You are a royal priesthood.' When we accepted this word deeply in our hearts we felt befuddled because our identity was suddenly upgraded. Yet this Word is not just an empty word to make us feel good. It is the certification of anointment of God, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Every morning, we should renew our calling as a royal priesthood and carry out our mission as royal priests.
What then is the duty of a priest? Firstly, it is to teach the Word of God (Lev 10:11). In order to fulfill the duty of a priest we must diligently teach the Word to intellectuals. Secondly, it is to carry out intercession prayer (Num 6:23-27). As priests, we must persistently pray for the young people of our campuses and of our generation. By doing this we can carry out the work of redemption as shepherds for many souls like Apostle Peter. In this way, the priestly duty in the New Testament is slightly different from that of the Old Testament. Apostle Paul also says, 'Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship (Ro 12:1). In order to carry out his duty as a royal priest, Apostle Paul went to foreign lands, earnestly prayed for the Gentiles, taught them the word of God, and shepherded them bearing the pain of a childbirth. Therefore offering the Gentiles as living sacrifice became acceptable to God and sanctified by the Holy Spirit (Ro 15:6). Apostle Paul gladly accepted God's grace of calling to be a royal priest and took up the cross of changing the Gentiles through the Word of God and by the Holy Spirit and offering them as a living sacrifice.
Like Paul, our missionaries should accept God's calling to be a royal priesthood for the Gentiles as great grace of God. Like Apostle Paul, we should carry out our holy duties as a royal priesthood by raising up foreign students as God's holy people and disciples of Jesus and offering them to God through teaching the Word of God, praying for them, and bearing the childbirth pain to shepherd them.
Why did God choose the believers as a royal priesthood? Look at verse 9e. "'that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.' The reason why God chose the believers as a royal priesthood is for them to declare the praises of God. This is a duty followed by a privilege. 'The praises of God' refer to God's amazing love, righteousness, and power. It is God's grace of salvation given to each of us. People appreciate the grace and love of their parents and grateful children always praise the grace and love of their parents. They thank to their parents and praise their parents to their neighbors, brothers and their children without ceasing. Likewise, those who received God's great love and grace must declare the praises of God to many people. Furthermore, they must put God's will prior to their own will. It is inhuman to acknowledge a grace but do nothing in return. The way to pay back the grace of God is to declare the love and saving grace of God to many campus students and to make them into God's people. Therefore, by words and action, we must declare the wonderful praises of God who saved us.
In conclusion, God gives us the certification of anointment, 'you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood.' Let us renew God's calling for us as a royal priesthood every morning. Let us begin each day with a conviction and pride that we are a royal priesthood. Furthermore, let us diligently fulfill the mission of a royal priesthood by serving the salvation work. Let us pray for God's flock and all the campus students everyday. Let us teach the word of God to intellectuals with all our hearts and strength.
'But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.'
I wish you all a prosperous new year. Let us all. take a new stand with the lord this year. Let us all grow in Jesus.
Jesus is coming soon, time is short, let us all get ready in faith to welcome our lord, when he comes from the clouds