Prayer in simple terms is termed as the communication that we have with God.
Communication in layman’s language is exchange of thought and ideas between two individuals. Like a simple communication with you friends on a telephone or out in a park, there are many thing that can disturb that conversation, like noise, misunderstanding ect. Similarly there are some things that can act in ways of disturbances or hinders to answered prayer. Here are a few.
1: prayerlessness
I know this sounds simple , but our prayer are not answered when we do not pray
The bible says ‘You do not have, because you do not ask ‘
We have to ask for what we want and need,sometimes we work on situation in our minds or talk about them with our friends or wish or hope but we do not pray Thinking , wishing hoping and talking with others are not prayer; only prayer is prayer , When we have a need or a situation that concerns us, we are only praying when we talk to God about it
Did you know that God is waiting for us to make requests of him in prayer? Prayerlessness acts as a hindrances for god to open a door for us in our problems, or even from working in your lives and in the lives of your loved ones
2. Lack of boldness
Not only do we need to pray in order to have our prayers answered, we also need to pray, boldly , which means without fear and unreservedly Jesus has made a way for us to approach God with boldness because he made us righteous through His death on the cross, Because of what he has done for us, we can go to God with total confidence and pray unashamedly knowing that he loves us , hears us , and will answer our prayers in the best possible way So come to the Courts of his presence in boldness with your offering of thanksgiving , praise and supplications
Psalms says :’if I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me” In other words sin that we are aware and refuse to deal with is a hindrance to answered prayer. None of us are perfect .We many all have something in our lives that displeases God , but it may be unintentional and we may not even realize it. Once God convicts us of sin and makes us aware of it, we must deal with it Otherwise we are regarding iniquity in our heart in that case God will not hear us.
If we have sin hidden in our hearts we cannot pray with confidence that god will answer.
When God reveals sin in our lives, we nee to stop what we are doing and repent, We need to revers him so much that we take him seriously and immediately! This means we do everything within our power to make sure that our relationship with him is clear an pure and unobstructed by sin Otherwise our prayer will go unheard and unanswered.
There are few more aspects that act as hindrance to answered prayer ‘God willing! ’We would be looking into them individually over this month. ‘May this help you in your prayer life and mine?