As a hen gathers her young, our father gathers all his children from far and wide; his care is beyond words of man, much beyond than the heart can tell.
His love for his children is amazing that he has numbered us among the starts.
We are precious in his eyes, that the bible say that God values every sole of man, more valuable than all the treasures of the world, this assures us that the lord hears us with great interest.
It is said that, He turns his hear towards the depths of the earth, with the eagerness to hear, anyone calling out to him , the bible also tells us that who ever call upon the Lord , the lord will hear him, Such is the heart of our father in heaven, towards his children.
The bible without doubt, is full of The love, mercy and patience and instruction of God, for us, to build in faith, to grow in awareness of him, and to become more firm in him. We should never forget to see God in our lives,
Some times, people might after examining their present state of life, have a tendency to not see the greatness of God in there lives. In the heights of our lives we tend to only glance at the present shining glow , and end up taking life for granted ,
It is fun and exciting to be on the top of the mountain, but, when we remember the strives and hardness that we endured to reach there , we without doubt come to conclusion that it was God’s Grace , that brought us on the top of the mountain.
Our forefathers at times remind us that we should always remember our Roots , the ways we came from to what we are today ,Memories can be painful for some and joyfully for others , but it always helps us to evaluate our lives , and affirmably see the power of god in our lives . The bible says “Taste the lord and see that he is Good “. God almighty commanded the father’s of Israel to tell to their children , about God , and how god saved them from the Egyptians ; which they were to tell their children at all times. And this they were told to follow generation after generation.

People who tend to believe in their own might and strength , end up being utterly sad , and even go to state of shock when they realize that they become weak in old age or for a season,Some even have hard times accepting the reality they have come to face or to bee. So It is always good to believe in the might and strength of God ,in our lives.
As Saint Paul said “it is not me but Christ that lives in me “.
When you believe in God’s never-ending grace in us , even though we might be week , he is able to make us Strong.Because we would be relying in his might and strength and not in our own.
As a child totally depends on his mother, and thinks of no harm , when the child is in the mothers arms ,So must we must be affirmed in absolute faith , that we being God’s Children , have no lack of ,and have no need, when we are in the arms of our Father .for the bible says: God gives everything to his children what so ever they ask , according to the riches and Glory of His Kingdome.
The bible says in -:Isa 59:1 Behold, Jehovah's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:
This verse should assure you that,God is more than sufficient for fulfilling all our needs.
Remember this : That the Father in Heaven , only has Children and no Grandchildren , that means that we all individually must come into a personal commitment with Him Who is Our Father , and Who is Worthy to be Praised !