Many of us might be having a small area of emptiness in our lives, which we try to hide from others or even pretend to hide it from ourselves. It might be because of a lot of things. We call this emptiness a void.
Many of us might turn to addictions, like drinking, smoking, porn .and even people. As our despite attempt to come out of that feeling out of emptiness, unworthiness , or even loneliness or longing ness for someone or something.
It is not wise to seek to fill it from our own understanding or wisdom. . If you try it for yourselves you will soon come to know that it does not help, and you feel all the more empty and incomplete.
The Idols will never completely satisfy us. Do not let the lust for immediate gratification pushes you to fill your void with anything.
If you are one such a person, who has a void, has a feeling that something is missing, or even thinks that you are not complete. I have great news for you! The God who created you, is sufficient, to fill your heart, from that emptiness
When a void is created in our life, it doesn’t mean God is withholding a good thing. The void is there so God can fill it. It is wise for us to allow Him to fill it in His time and in His way.
In the very first book, In its very first chapter of the bible. We get to read:
Gen 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
It is from this void and the darkness condition, God created the world, and the entire wonderful things that we get to see around us that we call his creation, his handiworks. That includes us as well.
So it is without doubt that ,the God who transformed something empty and dark and turned it into something magnificent ,Is sufficient to fill our heart and transform our empty life, to a work of wonder filled with contentment,
God is good. That means we can truly trust in Him to meet all our heart’s longings, all our needs in every area of our life. The challenge is to be content to wait knowing God will do the thing in us and for us. God’s ways are much higher than ours.
We at times tent to find contentment in things we do a short time , and later , come to a puzzling question , What is the meaning of my life , What have I accomplished , Have I accomplished anything?. You might be someone who has been in a profession for 30 years filled with success but now when you turn back you see that it was nothing, It has not made you , it was just a feeling that was once there but no more this makes us sad again ,
For those of you I have a verse in the bible just for you.
Mat 6:19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
Mat 6:20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
May the thing that make you, be the qualities from above, values, principals in life that might be left behind , when you leave. And not materialistic things that last only for a little while and dissolves like smoke .
Know this for yourselves, at every stage of our lives , we value many materialistic things , that latter becomes less significant in our lives and then we move to other things this process of knowing and letting it go continues ,the bible says
1Co 13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
I hope this would be sufficient for us to conclude that, we are complete when God complete us, we are filled only when God fills us , He fills like no other. The bible conforms this by these words.
Joh 4:13 Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:
Joh 4:14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
So Wait for the Lord and He will accomplish that which concerns you. He withholds no good thing from him who walks uprightly, and in the good timing of His wisdom, you will receive His very best for you.
Make your mark, in life . And let that mark you make be from God.