And the Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for his heavenly kingdom. II Timothy 4:18
Life without ups and downs will not be interesting. But for many it is only downs and no ups. Every day we struggle so hard to meet the ends meet. We struggle from morning till evening may be with our boss or colleagues or other friends. Some dread to go home and face their spouse. We assume our boss, colleagues, spouse, etc. are our foes. In reality it is not so. Our foe is the satan who walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. He makes us cry, suffer from disease, breaks the homes and hearts and puts in all the evil thought in our minds. You have comfort in Jesus. For the Lord says even though your father and mother may forsake you, I will protect you. Your parents can be with you till you finish your schooling or in some cases till you get married after that they may not be able to help you. The Lord says, everyone in this world may forsake you and you may be all alone. The Lord shall take care of your every need be it emotional or material.
The world is filled with evil designs. The very people whom you trust may act snidely behind your back. Lord says I will He will deliver you from every evil work (II Timothy 4:18). May it be caused by friends or foes. He shall take care of you from their evil deeds. For the Lord loves justice, and does not forsake his saints. They are preserved forever. But the descendants of the wicked shall be cut off (Psalms 37:28). He does not tolerate wickedness, the wicked shall be surely punished although it looks as if they are flourishing very well, their end will come abruptly. If you want the Lord to protect your ways should be acceptable to Him. He expects you to be just. How do you treat your subordinates, elders and parents. Do you give your parents the respect? Are you taking care of them in their old age? If you have hardened your heart against them the Lord is watching over you. He is a God who loves justice. If they are far away from them and are in a situation where you cannot take care of them physically at least send them money or provide them what they need.
He is a God who keeps you from stumbling (Jude 24). Are you weary and discouraged and feel as if you are slipping. Jesus can keep you from stumbling. He will lift you up and put your feet on the rock to stay. Surrender yourself to Jesus your weaknesses and qualms and tell Him you cannot face this world alone. He will give you the strength to face this world and resist the sin. Bible says, "The Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught" (Proverbs 3:26). The world is filled with attractive sins which lead a person astray easily. If you are careless you feet can be caught in its snares. Trust Jesus and keep fellowship with Him always then the Lord shall guard your feet. Scripture says, "He will guard the feet of his saints" (I Samuel 2:9). For the Lord to guard your feet you should be a saint. Abstain for evil ways and keep your body, mind and soul pure and holy before Him.
Not only will He keep your feet from stumbling, He shall also see that the sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night (Psalms 121:6).
Trust in the Lord and you shall be saved.
May the Lord bless you and keep you (Numbers 6:24)