Lord appoints, preordains his children , Look at the prophet Samuel, he was the answer to his mothers prayer , she offered her son ,Samuel ;even though he was her only child she and had him at old age, she kept her promise , and offered him Samuel her son to god , before he was even born, We the children of god , the most valuable creation of his majesty, are considered so precious , that he gave his only Son for our salvation. God blessed Abraham and kept his promise of making Abraham the father of nations, God said that his generation would like the sands in the seashore, and stars in the sky. They were indeed; they were called the Israelites, the most precious nation of the lord. they so precious to god that, god guarded them under his wing, in the desert, in the time of Moses , Even when they ran away , disobeyed God always loved them and was extremely patient with them , they were so precious to god that the Christ the son God , our savior was born among them.
We are not on earth, without a reason, even though at times we may wonder, and ask What are we?, who we are?, My life would be better if I hand the life of him, A someone you would consider safe and secure in his world, a person who you consider to have everything without any effort, where it take your entire effort to please, to be accepted by the people you love. And end up irritated, frustrated and even disappointed.
Think for a moment, how much more God could feel disappointed of us his children, if his children did not Horner him or even acknowledge him. But he never stops knocking, loving and clinging to us,
In the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son. We come to know of an earnest heart, of a Shepard. an awaiting and rewarding father, and a constantly searching old woman , In all this Jesus is trying to tell us the feeling for his children and his love for them.
The word of the lord says that, it was God that choice us, and not the other way round, he has know us prior to our birth, prior to the days of the earth, and has brought us to this world that we may first acknowledge him, turn to him, surrender in him, for Grater is the one that is in us who has made us and dwells in us. And by him are united to the family of god.
We are not on earth, without a reason, even though at times we may wonder, and ask What are we?, who we are?, My life would be better if I hand the life of him, A someone you would consider safe and secure in his world, a person who you consider to have everything without any effort, where it take your entire effort to please, to be accepted by the people you love. And end up irritated, frustrated and even disappointed.
Think for a moment, how much more God could feel disappointed of us his children, if his children did not Horner him or even acknowledge him. But he never stops knocking, loving and clinging to us,
In the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son. We come to know of an earnest heart, of a Shepard. an awaiting and rewarding father, and a constantly searching old woman , In all this Jesus is trying to tell us the feeling for his children and his love for them.
The word of the lord says that, it was God that choice us, and not the other way round, he has know us prior to our birth, prior to the days of the earth, and has brought us to this world that we may first acknowledge him, turn to him, surrender in him, for Grater is the one that is in us who has made us and dwells in us. And by him are united to the family of god.