Sunday 15 May 2011

A Prayer

No words can describe the greatness of the Lord, we serve.
His mercy is new, every morning,
He blows in us life, when we think, there is no hope.
He gives us a smile, just when we, thought our tears would not end.
There is no measure to his greatness; there is no limit to his grace.
He is the way, the life and the light,
Who never stops lighting our path ,
Who never stops poring life to our lives,
Refreshing, us more and more every day.
leading us to the path of eternity ,
Sufficient is his grace, and care, giving us the best when it is most needed.
as king David says that my cup runeth over ,
So let it be that my lips ,may praise thee oh Lord ,
May I never leave your sight,
May I never be harden that I can not see you.
As we, your children are the apples of your eye,
Let, you be, like the breath of our lives.