Saturday 18 September 2010

The love of a father, beyond word's

What a father we have in Jesus!

I was unwanted He took me up and counted me as of his very own


I was left to hunger He came and gave me meals set for a king


I was killed by my enemies He came, fought my battles, healed my wounds, and set my feet on a rock, that no one can crush

I was naked, ripped out of my disgrace
He came , gave me garments fit for the angels of heaven and gave me the Horner to blow his trumpet in his Kingdom for his Glory ,facing his face all the days of time

I was tiered , and week He came, strengthen my bones. Gave me a home, an establishment that never end’s. He opened his very own home for me to dwell in.Forever

How can we go past this Father, in our lives? A father who does not give up on his children. Come let us all come to, his presence with wonder and with thanksgiving
“, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory. “