Saturday 1 March 2008

The Word Lives Among us , By being Within Us.

The day of fulfillment has started .We live in a time of awaiting completion and proclamation. The day of What? Proclamation you may ask. The proclamation of our faith. It is written that the lord of host will destroy all that is evil, he will destroy the beast and all its servants, with one word that comes from his mouth.

‘The word of God’, In the beginning it was this word that made what we now call the earth , carving the foundation of the earth, It was this word that Noah obeyed to built the ark, it was his word that Abraham heard and obeyed and went to the promise land , it was up on this word that Moses brought the Israelites in the land of Cannon , it was by his word that Profits lead the people , It was this word that brought Jesus to us and it by his word of salvation that we are saved.

The word of the lord says that: God will write the law’s in the wall of his believer’s harts, when I write this line , I am reminded of the wall of the Israelites houses where they had applied the lamps blood and one seeing this blood satins the Angel of death, passed their homes thus they were saved.

There is great power when one says :’ We are saved by the stripes of Jesus,
It is as if he has marked us as his , for him to dwell in us, and as long we have him in us, and we are washed by his blood and he had left the mark of salvation on us, the Devil on seeing this will want noting to do with us. For the evil will not stand in the council of the righteous and we, Even though being the dust of the earth are made righteous by and through Christ, the Redeemer.

Because once we surrender before god there is no place for; I, for St Paul said :It is not me but the lord that is in me , that Lives.

It the book of St John, it is said that:

Before the world was created, the word already exited; he was with God, and he was the same as God. From the very beginning the Word was with God. Through him god made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him.

Christ is the Living word in flesh, his life itself was the fulfillment of the word, He was the word , thought him we are saved, and by his name Jesus .(The Word), when uttered in faith , heaven comes to live, salvation is resorted. Spiritual unity is felt.

For it is said with grate emphasize:
That all knees shall bow , all tough shall confess before the Jesus , the lion of Judah, the prince of peace , the head of the ark angel’s, The worthy and honorable Lord.